Monday, July 26, 2010

The slow day...

I used to think that 100 customers was a VERY slow day. Not anymore. The 9 we had today totally threw me for a loop. How do you describe a day with only 3 couples and one out-of-town family of three? Slower than brushing the dirt away from bones at an archeological dig? I think so. Perhaps it should be seen as a warning sign when your staff can describe EVERY customer that came by in a day. It's days like today that I want to declare, "We are nowhere!" and cry myself to sleep. But then, i cup a beautiful Ethopian and remind myself why i'm here in the first place- the people. Then i think: if that is the case, then why aren't there more of them? I. have. no. idea. The upside: every customer got personal attention. Lidz and I talked to a student named Monica for a while and she promised to return tomorrow (with a magazine i lent her). So maybe having time for each customer that comes through the door is a good thing. Or maybe i should install a second door. Then maybe 18 customers would walk though. 18. Wow. Already it's sounding to me like a packed day.

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